Schmincke Akademie Oil paint set 12x60ml, wooden box
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Schmincke Akademie Oil paint set 12x60ml, wooden box
Akademie oil colours contain quality artists' pigments in high concentration which guarantee for the brilliance and excellent lightfastness (4 and 5 Stars only). Brilliant shades can be obtained also in mixtures due to the large number of one-pigment-colours. With Akademie oil colours, Schmincke offers a harmonious colour range for beginners and heavy users. High luminosity, a harmonious colouristic with translucent to opaque colours are only some of the main features of this colour range. Akademie oil are very heavybody oil colours which can be applied very easily and smoothly.
Set contains 12 tubes of 60 ml:
- 102 - Titanium White, 218 - Primary Yellow, 224 - Indian Yellow, 304 - Vermilion, 314 - Primary Magenta, 402 - Primary Cyan, 406 - Ultramaryna, 412 - Błękit Pruski, 506 - Zieleń Soczysta, 602 - Jasna Ochra, 608 - Sienna, 704 - Czarna Lampa.
- - 1 brush Da Vinci nr 10.